It is AALEP's opinion that the European Commission and the European Parliament ought to play a more active and consistent role in educating and informing registered lobbyists about the rules of professional ethics for members and staff of the European Commission as well the rules of professional ethics for MEPs, Assistant MEPs and staff of the European Parliament. The posting of these rules on the Internet is simply not enough. A lobbying education and awareness programme should be put in place designed to instill in all designated individuals, lobbyists and lobbyist principals a keen and continuing awareness of the duties of all these persons vis-à-vis the existing rules of professional ethic rules of the European Commission and the European Parliament. It is incumbent upon the European Commission and the European Parliament to heighten the sensitivity of designated individuals to 'situations that might result in or potential violation of the rules. Such training therefore should be required for all EU civil servants, MEPs, Assistant MEPs ad staff as well as for registered lobbyists and their principals. The proposed training courses for registered lobbyists and prospective lobbyists would be held twice a year and would focus on the legal and moral obligations of lobbyists under the rules of professional ethics. Newly registered lobbyists will be provided information about said rules at the time of initial registration. Compliance with the rules of professional ethics requires knowledge of the rules. Providing more opportunities for registered lobbyists to review the rules of professional ethics would reduce unnecessary confusion or misinterpretation. The organisation of training courses for registered lobbyists will not create a greater understanding of the rules of professional ethics if lobbyists do not avail themselves of the resource. Therefore, required attendance at training sessions would provide the opportunity for each registered lobbyist to learn about and discuss those changes and other provisions of the rules affecting lobbying activities.      

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