When registering in the Transparency Register of the European Union, Interest Representatives (as they are called) are invited to list their fields of interest. The listing equates more or less to the Directorates General of the European Commission e.g. Agriculture and Rural Development (corresponding to DG AGRI); Audiovisual and Media (corresponding to DG CENTC) ; Budget (corresponding to DG BUDG); Climate Action (corresponding to DG CLIMA); Communication (corresponding to DG COMM); Competition (corresponding to DG COMP); Consumer Affairs (corresponding to DG SANCO); Culture (corresponding to DG EAC); Customs (corresponding to DG TAXUD); Development (corresponding to DG EuropAid DG DEVCO); Economic and Financial Affairs (corresponding to DG ECFIN); Education (corresponding to DG EAC); Employment and Social Affairs (corresponding to DG EMP); Energy (corresponding to DG ENER); Enlargement (corresponding to DG ELARG); Enterprise (corresponding to DG ENTR); Environment (corresponding to DG ENV); External Relations; Fisheries and Aquaculture (corresponding to DG MARE); Food Safety (corresponding to DG SANCO); Foreign and Security Policy and Defence ; General and Institutional Affairs; Home Affairs (corresponding to DG HOME); Humanitarian Aid (corresponding to DG ECHO); Information Society (corresponding to DG DIGIT); Internal Market (corresponding to DG MARKT); Justice and Fundamental Rights (corresponding to DG JUST); Public Health (corresponding to DG SANCO); Regional Policy (corresponding to DG REGIO); Research and Technology (corresponding to DG RTD); Sport; Taxation (corresponding to DG TAXUD); Trade (corresponding to DG TRADE); Trans-European Networks; Transport (corresponding to DG MOVE); Youth (corresponding to DG EAC)

Matching fields of interest with the European Commission’s DG organizational structure may not always represent the specific issue and policy areas that Public Policy Advocates may be working on and/or interested in monitoring. For example say your field of interest is Apparel/Clothing Industry/Textiles it is not reflected in the Register. You could indicate Enterprise or Internal Market or Trade but that would not indicate your area of interest.

For this reason AALEP has developed a more comprehensive chart displaying issue area codes that Public Policy Advocates may use at both the EU and national level .  The issue area codes could serve as an indicator of what the hot-button issues are for Public Policy Advocates. (The Chart is provided under Resources).




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