EBLIDA is the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations. It is an independent umbrella association of library, information, documentation and archive associations and institutions in Europe, gathering some + 120 embers-library associations and institutions- from 32 countries representing 65,000 public libraries in Europe



  1. Austrian Library Association http://www.bvoe.at/
  2. Austrian Association of Librairian) http://univie.ac.at/voeb/php/
  3. Vienna University Library) https://www.univie.ac.at/
  4. University and State Library Tyrol) https://www.uibk.ac.at/ulb/


  1. Belgium Association for Documentation) https://www.abd-bvd.be/fr/
  2. Flemish Association for Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres) http://vvbad.be/
  3. Bibliothèque royale de Belgique- Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België http://www.kbr.be
  4. Universiteit Antwerpen (University of Antwerp) https://www.uantwerpen.be/en:
  5. BICfB- Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique http://www.bicfb.be
  6. Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles http://www.federation-wallonie-bruxelles.be/

Bosnia and Herzegovina

  1. Association of information professionals- librarians, archivists and museologists) http://www.bam.be/


  1. Bulgaria Library and Information Association, BLIA http://www.lib.bg/
  2. State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, SULSIT http://www.unibit.bg/


  1. Croatian Library Association) http://hkdrustvo.hr
  2. Zagreb City Libraries) http://www.kgz.hr
  3. National and University Library Zagreb) https://www.nsk.hr/


  1. Cyprus Association of Librarians-Information Scientist, CALIS http://kebeo.blospot.com/
  2. University of Nicosia Library & Information Centre https://www.library.unic.ac.cy/

Czech Republic

  1. Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic https://www.skipcr.cz/
  2. National Library of the Czech Republic https://www.en.nkp.cz/


  1. Aalborg Public Libraries https://www.aalborgbibliotekerne.dk/
  2. AarhusCitizens’Services and Libraries  https://www.aakb.dk/
  3. Association of Danish Public Library Managers http://www.bibliotekslederforeningen.dk/velkommen
  4. Copenhagen Libraries, The City of Copenhagen https://bibliotek.kk.dk/
  5. Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces http://english.slks.dk/
  6. Danish Digital Library http://www.dankskernesdigitalebibliotek.dk/
  7. Danish Library Association http://www.db.dk/
  8. Danish Research Library Association http://www.dfdf.dk/
  9. Gentofte Central Library https://genbib.sk/
  10. Herning Public Libraries https://www.herningbib.dk/
  11. The Odense Libraries https://www.odensebib.dk/forside/menu_top/english
  12. Randers Bibliothek https://www.randersbib.dk
  13. Viborg Public Libraries https://www.viborgbib.dk/


  1. Estonian Librarian’s Association http://www.eru.lib.ee/


  1. Library of the Parliament https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/tietoaeduskunnasta/kirjasto/Sivut/default.aspx
  2. Finnish Library Association http://suomenkirjastoeura.fi/
  3. Finnish Research Library Association http://pro.tsv.fi/stks/
  4. Finnish-Swedish Library Association http://www.biblioteken.fi/sc/fsbf
  5. Jyväskylä University Library https://kirjasto.jyu.fi/
  6. Accessibility Library Celia https://www.celia.fi/


  1. French Association of Librarians http://www.abf.asso.fr/
  2. Association of Directors of Public Libraries of Intermunicipal Syndicates and Cities of France http://www.abf.asso.fr/
  3. National and University Library Strasbourg http://biblio.bnu.fr/.do
  4. National Library of France http://www.bnf.fr/
  5. BPI, Bibliothèque publique d’information http://www.bpi.fr/
  6. Ministère de la culture, Direction générale des médias et des industries culturelles Service du livre et de la lecture https://www.culture.gouv.fr/


  1. Federal Union of German Library and Information Associations http://www.bideutschland.de/
  2. Bavarian State Library https://www.bsb-muenchen.de/
  3. IAML International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres http://iaml.info/
  4. Oldenburg University Library http://ibit.uni-oldenburg.de/
  5. Berlin State Library http://staatsbibliothek-berlin.de
  6. Bremen Public Library http://www.stabi-hb.de/
  7. Chemnitz Public Library: https://www.stadtbibliothek-chemnitz.de/
  8. Cologne Public Library: http://www.stadt-koeln.de/leben-in-koeln/stadbibliothek/
  9. Bremen State and University Library https://www.suub.uni-bremen.de/
  10. Free University Berlin: http://www.ub.fu-berlin.de
  11. Munich Public Library http://ww.muencner-stadtbibliothek.de/
  12. Duisburg Public Library https://www2.duisburg.de/stadtbib/


  1. Association of Greek Librarians and Information Scientists http://www.eebep.gr/
  2. Library of the University of Macedonia http://www.lib.uom.gr/index.php?lang=itf-8


  1. Library Association of Ireland https://libraryassociation.ie/
  2. Kildare Library and Arts Service Headquarters http://www.kildare.ie/library/
  3. Dublin City Libraries https://www.dublincity.ie/residential/libraries


  1. Italian Library Association http://www.aib.it/
  2. CSBNO- Consorzio Sistema Bibliotecario Nord Ovest http://www.webopac.csbno.net/azienda-speciale-csbno/
  3. Milan City Libraries: http://biblioteche.commune.milano.it
  4. National Central Library Rome http://www.bncrm.beniculturali.it/
  5. Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information: http://www.iccu.sbn.it/opencms/opencms/it/
  6. SBAM- Library system of Metropolitan Area of Turin: https://sbam.erasmo.it/Opac/Default.aspx
  7. Public libraries of the municipality of Bologna: http://www.bibliotechebologna.it/
  8. Central Library- University of Salerno (UNISA): https://www.unisa.it/
  9. Public Libraries- Turin https://bct.comune.torino.it/sedi-orari/centrale
  10. Network of Networks: http://www.retedellereti.org


  1. Library Association of Latvia http://www.bibliotekari.lv/
  2. Latvijas Nacionala Biblioteka http://www.lnb.lv


  1. Lithuania Research Library Consortium http://lmna.lt/
  2. Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithunaia http://www.lnb.lt+en/


  1. Luxembourg Librarian Archivist and Documentalist Association http://www.albad.lu/
  2. National Library of Luxembourg http://www.bnl.lu


  1. Malta Library and Information Association http://www.malia-malta.org/


  1. Dutch Consortium of University Libraries and the National Library https://www.ukb.nl/home
  2. European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) http://eahil.eu
  3. Netherlands Library Forum: http://www.fobid.nl/
  4. Muziekweb- Centrale Discotheek Rotterdam http://www.muziekweb.nl/
  5. National Library of the Netherlands http://www.kb.nl/
  6. Rijnbrink Groep http://www.rijnbrinkgroep.nl/
  7. Netherlands Public Library Association http://www.debibliotheken.nl/
  8. The Hague Public Library http://www.bibliotheekdenhaag.nl/Home-2/htm
  9. Bibliotheek Mar en Fean https://www.bmf.nl/
  10. FlevoMeer Bibliotheken https://www.flevomeerbibliotheek.nl/
  11. De Nieuwe Kolk https://www.dnk.nl/
  12. Stitching Bibliotheek Rotterdam https://www.bibliotheek.rotterdam.nl/
  13. Bibliotheek Hogeveen https://www.bibliotheekhoogeven.nl


  1. Deichman Library https://deichman.no/
  2. Oslo and Akerhus University of Applied Sciences, Learning Centre and Library https://www.hioa.no/eng/Learning-Centre-and-Library
  3. National Library of Norway http://www.nb.no/english
  4. Norwegian Library Association http://norskbibliotekforening.no/
  5. Oslo University Library: http://www.ub.uio.no/english/


  1. Polish Librarian’s Association http://www.sbp.pl/
  2. National Library of Poland http://www.bn.org.pl/


  1. Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists http://www.apbad.pt/
  2. DGLAB- Directorate General for the Book, Archives and Libraries http://deglab.gov.pt/
  3. Oeiras Municipal Library http://blibliotecas.cm-oeiras.pt/
  4. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation https://gulbenkian.pt/
  5. School Libraries Network of the Ministry of Education https://www.rbe.mec.pt/


  1. Romanian Library Association http://www.abr.org.ro/
  2. ANBPR- The National Association of Public Librarians and Libraries in Romania http://www.anbpr.org.ro/


  1. Belgrade City Library http://www.bgb.rs
  2. National Library of Serbia https://www.nb.rs/

Slovak Republic

  1. Slovak Library Association http://www.sakba.sk/



  1. Union of Associations of Slovene Librarians http://www.zbd-zveza.si/eng/


  1. Catalunya Library http://www.bnc.cat/
  2. Spanish Federation of Archives, Libraries, Documentation and Museum Associations http://www.fesabid.org/
  3. IE Library http://library.ie.edu
  4. Institute of Catalonian Librarians and Documentalists http://www.cobdc.org/
  5. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport http://www.mecd.gob.es/ministerio-mecd/


  1.  Regional Library at Region Örebro County https://www.regionorebrolan.se
  2. Malmö City Library http://malmo.se/bibliotek
  3. National Library of Sweden http://www.kb.se/english
  4. Landskrona City Library https://www.landskrona.se
  5. Stockholm University Libraru http://su.se/biblioteket/
  6. Swedish Library Association http://www.biblioteksforeningen.org


  1. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich- Main Library http://www.library.ethz.ch/en


  1. Istanbul Bilgi University Library and e-resources http://library.bilgi.edu.tr/

United Kingdom

  1. Glasgow University Library http://www.lib.gla.ac.uk
  2. SLIC Scottish Library and Information Council http://www.scottishlibraries.org/

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