Overdue Directives by Member States 

  1. Slovenia: 17 including 4 in the transport sector and 4 in the employment and social policy sector –one more than 2 years overdue directive concerning the standards of quality and safety of human organs intended for transplantation.
  2. Romania: 13 including 4 in the environment sector and one more than 2 years overdue concerning the principle of equal treatment between men and women engaged in an activity in a self-employed capacity.
  3. Cyprus: 13 including 3 in the transport sector and none more than 2 years overdue
  4. Austria: 11 including 3 directives in the environment sector and 3 in the Motor vehicles and Agricultural tractors and machinery sector –one more than 2 years overdue directive concerning the geological storage of carbon dioxide.
  5. Bulgaria: 11 but none more than 2 years overdue. 3 directives concern the veterinary and plant-health sector.
  6. Luxembourg: 10 including 3 in the transport sector and still one more than 2 years overdue concerning a community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides.
  7. Belgium: 9 and none more than 2 years overdue
  8. Poland: 9 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  9. Spain:  9 including 3 directives in the financial services sector and none more than 2 years overdue.
  10. Germany: 8 including 3 in the environment area and one more than 2 years overdue concerning the safety of toys.
  11. United Kingdom: 8 and one more than 2 years overdue concerning the powers of the European Supervisory A
  12. France: 7 and  none more than 2 years overdue.
  13. Hungary: 7 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  14. Latvia: 7 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  15. Portugal: 7 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  16. Italy: 6 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  17. Ireland: 5 and one more than 2 years overdue concerning the common rules for the internal market in electricity. Despite the fact that Ireland managed to transpose 1 long overdue directive, 4 out of the 5 overdue directives are more than 1 year late (including 1 directive due since March 2011).
  18. Netherlands: 5 and one more than 2 years overdue concerning the energy performance of buildings.
  19. Czech Republic: 4  and one more than 2 years overdue concerning the energy performance of buildings.
  20. Lithuania: 4 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  21. Denmark: 3 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  22. Estonia:  3 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  23. Finland:  3 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  24. Slovakia: 3 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  25. Sweden : and none more than 2 years overdue.
  26. Greece: 2 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  27. Croatia: 1 and none more than 2 years overdue.
  28. Malta: 1 and none more than 2 years overdue..

 Compliance deficit

  1. Poland: 2.4 % but still the Member State with the highest number of directives incorrectly transposed (30)
  2. Bulgaria: 1.2 % which means that 15 directives are not correctly transposed into national law
  3. Spain: 1.1 % which means that 13 directives are not correctly transposed into national law
  4. Slovakia: 1.0 % which means that 13 directives are not correctly transposed into national law.
  5. United Kingdom: 1.0 % which means that 12 directives are not correctly transposed into national law
  6. Czech Republic: 0.9 % - slight improvement but still above the EU average
  7. Italy: 0.9 % which means that 22 directives are not correctly transposed into national law


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