The official run-up to the 2014 European elections started on 10 September 2013, when the European Parliament launched its awareness and information campaign. This campaign will continue beyond the elections themselves, until the newly-elected Parliament in turn elects the next European Commission President.

The campaign will have four phases.

Phase one starts now, with the presentation of the baseline ACT.REACT.IMPACT. This phase aims to explain the European Parliament’s new powers and their implications for people living in the EU.

Phase two, from October to February 2014, will highlight five key topics - the economy, jobs, quality of life, money and the EU in the world - at a series of interactive events in European cities.

Phase three, the election campaign proper, starts in February. It will focus on the 22-25 May election dates. These dates will be added to the logo as the elections draw near.

After the elections, the final phase will focus on the newly-elected European Parliament, its election of the next European Commission President and the inauguration of the new Commission.

The logo with the baseline ACT.REACT.IMPACT. stresses that EU voters can exercise their power, through the ballot box, to determine the future shape of Europe.

The European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Communication has selected a consortium led by Ogilvy Group Belgium, part of Ogilvy & Mather (O&M) to promote awareness and understanding of the lawmaking institution through campaigns and events leading up to the 2014 European Elections. This is a four-year framework contract by the European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Communication, which includes a wide range of communication, event and media services. Under the framework contract, the Ogilvy-VO communication Consortium has been awarded two specific contracts. Ogilvy Brussels will define a strategic framework for the European Parliament in preparation to the 8th European Parliament elections. Under the second contract, the consortium will develop a European-wide awareness campaign communicating on the European Parliament’s values.


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