
ECTAA is the voice of European travel agents and tour operators. It aims to:

  • Monitor all legislative proposals, non-legislative measures and activities, which have a direct bearing on travel agents’ and tour operators' businesses;
  • Inform its Members on all developments in European affairs through regular mailings and the organization of meetings;
  • Consult its Members with a view to adopting common positions of the trade on legislative proposals, planned initiatives and consultation procedures of European and international organizations;
  • Represent the interests of the trade vis-à-vis the European decision-making institutions and international organizations;
  • Advise Members on European & industry affairs


ECTAA cooperates closely with each of the European Institutions and monitors every development at European level, which may have an impact on tourism. It acts in particular in the following fields, where the European Union was given some responsibilities:

  • Consumer protection;
  • Air transport;
  • Maritime, road and rail transport;
  • Internal Market - notably the free provision of services and recognition of qualifications;
  • Tourism, in particular sustainable tourism;
  • Taxation;
  • Enterprise policy;
  • Competition;
  • Policy on Justice, Freedom and Security.

ECTAA also represents the interests of Travel Agents and Tour Operators when dealing with other organizations that have an impact on this industry in Europe, such as:

  • The European and International standardisation bodies (CEN, ISO);
  • The International Air Transport Association (IATA);
  • The World Tourism Organisation (WTO)

Finally, ECTAA acts as a point of contact for governments in destinations when dealing with tour operator related issues and coordinates the exchange of information among Members in key areas of operational delivery (crisis handling, health and safety, sustainable tourism).

Policy Areas

  • Transport: Transport is one of the main elements of travel agents’ and tour operators’ activities. ECTAA monitors and takes action on the numerous legislations on transport and on the rules of the distribution system.
  • Consumer: The European legislation on consumer protection is of particular interest for the Members of ECTAA, since in the course of their business, they conclude contracts with consumers on a daily basis. In this respect, Directive 90/314 on package travel, package holidays and package tours if the main legislation for the Members of ECTAA.
  • Tourism: While the European Union does not have direct competency for a European tourism policy, many legislations, measures and activities directly impact on the trade and the travelling public.
  • Taxation: ECTAA closely monitors all developments in respect of the VAT legislation and any other fiscal matters directly affecting their business.
  • Internal Market: The Internal Market offers numerous opportunities for the Members of ECTAA; who can take advantage of the freedom of establishment and of the freedom to provide services for in the EC Treaty. Therefore, ECTAA closely monitors the development of European legislation in this area.
  • Destinations: ECTAA aims to create the best possible conditions to ensure that destinations worldwide are able to thrive whilst also being sustainable. It also aims to minimise the barriers which prevent the free movement of people (through taxes, visa, charges, etc.) as they have an indirect impact on sustainable development, the promotion of goods and best practice planning.

Full Members

  1. Deutscher Reiseverband (DRV), Germany
  2. Österreichisher Reisebüroverband/Association of Austrian Travel Agents (ÖRV), Austria
  3. Fachverband der Reisebüros (WKO), Austria
  4. Fédération de l’Industrie du Tourisme/Federatie van de Toeristische Industrie (FIT/FTI), Belgium
  5. Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents (ABTTA), Bulgaria
  6. Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA), Croatia
  7. Croatian Chamber of Economy (UPA-HGK), Croatia
  8. Association of Cyprus Travel Agents (ACTA), Cyprus
  9. Asociace Ceskych Cestovnich Kancelari a Agentur (ACCKA), Czech Republic
  10. Danmarks Reisebureau Forening/The Association of Danish Travel Agents and Tour Operators (DRF), Denmark
  11. Federation Empresarial de Associaciones Territoriales de Agencias de Viajes Espanolas (FETAVE), Spain
  12. Asociacion Catalana de Agencias de Viajes Especializdas (ACAVe), Spain
  13. Estonian Association of Travel Agents (ETFL), Estonia
  14. Suomen matkatoimistoalan litto/The Association of Finnish Travel Agents (SMAL), Finland
  15. Syndicat National des Agences de Voyages (SNAV), France
  16. Hellenic Association of Travel and Tourist Agencies (HATTA), Greece
  17. Association of Hungarian Travel Agencies (MUISZ), Hungary
  18. Irish Travel Agents Association (ITAA), Ireland
  19. Confturismo, Italy
  20. Association of Latvian Travel Agents and Operators (ALTA), Latvia
  21. Nacionaline Turizmo Verslo Asociacija/National Tourism Business Association (NTVA), Lithuania
  22. Federation of Associations of Travel and Tourism Agents (FATTA), Malta
  23. Montenegro Tourism Association (CTU), Montenegro
  24. Algemeen Nederlands Vereniging van Reisondernemigen (ANVR), The Netherlands
  25. The Norwegian Travel Association (VIRKE), Norway
  26. Polska Izba Turystyki (PIT), Poland
  27. Associaçao Portuguesa das Agencias de Viagens e Turismo (APAVT), Portugal
  28. Asociace Ceskych Cestovnich Kancelari a Agentur (ACCKA), Czech Republic
  29. Asociatia Nationala A Agentilor De Turism (ANAT), Romania
  30. National Association of Travel Agencies (YUTA), Serbia
  31. Slovak Association of Travel Agents (SACKA), Slovakia
  32. Združenje turističnih agencij Slovenije, g.i.z. (ZTAS), Slovenia
  33. Svenska Resebyråföreningen / Association of Swedish Travel Agents (SRF), Sweden
  34. Schweizerrischer Reisebüro-Verband (SRV), Switzerland
  35. The Travel Association (ABTA), United Kingdom



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