Results First Round

  1. Registered Voters: 46 316 165
  2. Abstention: 9 871 861= 21.31% of Registered Voters
  3. Number of Votes (1-2): 36 444 294= 78.69 % of Registered Voters
  4. Blank Votes: 649 934= 1.40% of Registered Voters
  5. Nullified Votes: 290 889= 0.63% of Registered Voters 
  6. Actual Votes: 35 503 471= 76.65% of Registered Voters

Outcome (Final) 

  1. Macron: 24.01% of Registered Voters
  2. Marine Le Pen: 21.30 % of Registered Voters

Second Round

The top two candidates go into a run-off election in two weeks' time, on Sunday 7 May.

Pollsters Ifop asked voters for the main contenders who they would opt for in the second round, if the remaining candidates were Macron and Le Pen. Using the actual first-round votes cast, this would imply a second-round result along the following lines:

  1. Macron 60.63%
  2. Le Pen 39.37%

Macron inherits

  1.  43% of Fillon's voters
  2.  70% of Hamon's voters
  3.  50% of Mélenchon's voters

Le Pen inherits

  1.  31% of Fillon's voters
  2.  3% of Hamon's voters
  3.  12% of Mélenchon's voters

If Macron fails to win more than 60 percent in the second round, he may find it hard to reassure a divided country that he has what it takes to reform the euro zone's second-largest economy, which is only starting to pick up speed after five years of anaemic growth. Then, in turn, he might struggle to turn his promise to transcend traditional party divides into a working majority for his En Marche! (Onwards!) movement in June's parliamentary election.

Marine Le Pen is going to frame this as a face-off between Emmanuel Macron, the candidate of the globalised elite, and herself as the people's candidate. 


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