Ranking of EU countries on regulatory safeguards to prevent undue influence in lobbying out of a 100 score.

  1. Slovenia: 55
  2. Lithuania: 50
  3. United Kingdom: 44
  4. Austria: 40
  5. Latvia: 39
  6. Ireland: 39
  7. Netherlands: 34
  8. Poland: 33
  9. Czech Republic: 29
  10. Estonia: 29
  11. France: 27
  12. Slovakia: 26
  13. Bulgaria: 25
  14. Germany: 23
  15. Portugal: 23
  16. Spain: 21
  17. Italy: 20
  18. Cyprus: 14
  19. Hungary: 14

Of the 19 countries examined by TI, only 7 have laws or regulations specifically regulating lobbying activities (Austria, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia and the United Kingdom). Many of the lobbying related laws and regulations that exist in Europe are, to varying degrees, flawed or unfit for purpose. There are also problems with weak implementation and lack of enforcement of existing rules. Only one country Slovenia manages a score exceeding 50 . However, it too is  faced with a range of problems including gaps in regulatory coverage, loopholes and poor implementation of rules. It is notable that Cyprus, Spain, Italy and Portugal sit at the bottom of the table, together with Hungary. 

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