Here below are the 10 most important qualities of a Public Policy Advocate as described by practitioners:

1. Understanding the European policy process, having the full confidence of the client, and being able to work with legal advisers

2. To be able to understand the case and communicate in a way that makes sense to your auidiences. Background, contacts, industry knowledge, personal skills are all important elements, but the most fundamental is the ability to translate the case into a broader context that matters to those who can influence the decision.

3. A mixtture of political judgement, contacts, communication skills, and an aptitude for policy detail. When the client does not give a strong lead, good organizational skills are also required. Industry knowledge brings additional credibility with the client and the EU authorities, but it is not enough on its own.

4. Having sufficient knowledge of law practice and process to ensure that the legal and public affairs strategy work seamlessly. And knowing when less is more.

5. Judgement backed up by a genuine knowledgeb and experience of the issues under discussion. While contacts are important, often a case will be handled by very few people with the authorities and the legal team will already have a strong and productive relationship. The most important role of the consultant is therefore to be a strategic adviser, and to bring his personal judgement and previous experience to the advisory table.

6. There are a number of smart consultants in Brussels, and it is possibly humility and discretion which make the biggest difference between them. You cannot serve your customers well if you keep using their names, compete with their outside counsels or aim to be a star.

7. Practical experience and the resultant deep understanding of the relevant decision-making process.

8. Public policy advocates must be experts in decision-making. But trust is the most highly valued quality and a public policy advocate must be a trusted adviser when sitting with clients and a respected professional in his or her dealings with individuals in government, regulatory, media or industry positions.

9. Insight, peripheral vision, integrity, consistency. The ability to listen and to offer sound advice with confidence. A deep understanding of the complex public affairs environment.

10. Real knowledge of EU policy-making, strong networks, credibility with all stakeholders, enjoying their trust, honesty, creative and strategic intelligence.

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