The lobbying world is no longer confined to influencing legislation and regulations. Increasingly lobbying firms are offering 'Political Intelligence' services.

Political Intelligence is understanding what is happening in Brussels- it is the who, what, why, where and when of Brussels. Almost all Brussels insiders rely on their own intelligence networks to navigate and interpret the landscape of politics and policy. Political Intelligence is essential to successfully operating in Brussels as it allows individuals and organizations to take the everyday actions that occur and translate them into how it affects their constituencies. Using Political Intelligence opens the door to understanding what has happened and what will happen.

Political Intelligence is one of two things:  

  1. The research process for collecting industry policy research
  2. The deliverables of collected information (reports and analysis) sold to clients.

Political Intelligence has very real value because being first to know is hugely important. Everyday in Brussels decisions are made that affect the prospects and profitability of individual companies and entire industries.

Political Intelligence service is built on a single powerful idea: to provide clients with accurate, actionable and timely information created by the currents of political forces and regulatory decisions. Political Intelligence operation differs from standard 'lobbying' in that it is not looking to influence legislation on behalf of clients, but rather provide unique 'monitoring' of information through personal relationships between EU Commission officials, MEPs, Assistant MEPS, and lobbyists. Political Intelligence looks at the overall scenarios, trends, and target subjects and delivers analysis to clients, more often than not in a confidential manner. Very little political intelligence is published free of charge on the Internet. The real intelligence is so valuable as to be restricted in circulation, maintaining its value. The many widely circulated 'Intelligence' newsletters and services written from afar are merely opinions gleaned from second hand information flitered by the media unsuitable for corporate decision-making.  

At the end of the day Political Intelligence, like all good and actionable intelligence, is available to the select group of clients willing to pay for its collection and analysis. The needs of the clients drive the extent of collection, and depth of analysis. The more focused, the better the results. The benefits can be enormous.      

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