In order to raise awareness about the recent launch of the European Travel Advocacy Coalition (ETAC), over 150 e-mails were sent to MEPs having joined the European Parliament Tourism Intergroup as well as to MEPs members of the EP Transport and Tourism Committee and last but not least to European Commission civil servants involved in Tourism. We also proceeded to having a translation of the English ETAC presentation into French, Spanish and Italian.

We are most grateful for the courteous replies of the following persons:

  1. Ms. Vicky Ford, United Kingdom (ECR)
  2. Mr. Fernando Maura Barandiaran, Spain (ALDE)
  3. Mr. Alberto Cirio, Italy (EPP)
  4. Mr. Brando Benifei, Italy (S&D)
  5. Ms. Sirpa Pietikainen, Finland (EPP)
  6. Ms. Iveta Grigule, Latvia (ALDE)
  7. Ms. Anna Maria Tapardel, Romnia (S&D)
  8. Ms; Joanna Drake (European Commission)

It is most interesting to note that out of the 8 replies, 5 are Women MEPs which would indicate that Ladies are more considerate than Men when it comes to courtesy.

We appreciate that MEPs receive a deluge of e-mails daily but when it comes to an initiative such as ETAC that concerns their interest (i.e. tourism) we would expect a reply simply stating 'Thanks for the Information'. I guess courtesy is out in the 21st Century. The more we communicate, the less we communicate in spite of all digitalisation tools at our disposal.

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