Over a 3 year cycle, members of a GR Association would be required to complete 3 activities from any of the 4 following categories:

  1. Contributions to the profession,
  2. Peer and professional interaction,
  3. Management/leadership training
  4. Contributions to technical knowledge;

plus one formal course or one full informal course or self-directed study from either the management/leadership training or technical knowledge categories.

Complying with the proposed continuing professional development would not be difficult and many members of a GR Association would find that they already are in compliance. The plan would be flexible. It would be designed to work with what members of a GR Association may presently be doing to stay current on their own, or for their employer. Many employers include professional development as an inclusive part of the employee growth plan. Such things as in house training, workshops, are just a few popular employer-based Professional Development options. Members would not need to spend a significant amount of time or money, or take many courses to meet compliance. 


1. Contributions to the Profession

  • Writing technical papers, articles, or reviews that are published in journals, books or submitted for other professional or commercial purposes. 
  • Designing, developing or teaching a training programme or course of study related to GR or GR professional practice.
  • Attending conferences, workshops and seminars and writing a summary on what was learned or its relevance to the GR job or GR discipline.
  • Serving on industry advisory committees or equivalent including membership in profession-related organizations or associations.
  • Presentations at conferences, workshops or seminars related to the GR  discipline or GR professional practice.

2. Peer and Professional Interaction Activity

  • Serving on various committees, including ad hoc working groups.
  • Serving as an association executive, or volunteering at the association level, organizing parliament tours or other related volunteer activities.
  • Subscribing to and reading discipline-related journals or technical publications and writing a summary on what was learned or its relevance to the GR job or GR discipline.
  • Community Service in a volunteer capacity related to the profession.
  • Mentoring which may include assisting individuals, assisting to guide one’s professional career, assisting with project management

3. Management/Leadership Training (formal courses/self-directed study)

  • Successful completion of a formal course provided by a credible educational institution or training provider in person or on-line.
  • Self-study or informal seminars, workshops.

Suggested Topics:

  • Supervision, teambuilding, change management
  • Financial management
  • Continuous improvement, customer/client satisfaction
  • Project management
  • Globalization
  • Sustainability Negotiations and mediation
  • Soft skills: public speaking, presentations, interviewing, business etiquette, communications including multigenerational and multicultural communications.

4. Contribution to Technical Knowledge (formal courses/self-directed study) Activity

  • Successful completion of a formal course provided by a credible educational institution or training provider in person or on-line.
  • Self-study or informal seminars, workshops, seminars, or structured on- the-job-training related to the GR discipline or GR professional practice.

Suggested Topics: Codes, regulations, ethics, standards 

Verification of compliance

Members of a GR Association would be required to produce supporting documentation as proof of compliance. For audit purposes, verification of 3 activities and one formal course or self-directed study would require documentation to confirm completion of the activity or course. Acceptable documentation may take such forms as:

  • transcript, receipt of payment with course outline, certificate of completion/attendance
  • written confirmation from employer that member attended and passed
  • submission of the article written or presentation given
  • study notes and resource lists

Members and Associates not in compliance may be given a “grace period” of 6 months to comply. Members who lose membership to non-compliance could be reinstated after submitting proof of compliance. Once their CPD has been verified, members would be able to apply for reinstatement. The reinstatement fees would be waived for prior members who are now compliant and return to membership within one year of being resigned for CPD noncompliance. All other regular reinstatement rules would apply, which may have potential implications on membership status.


The benefits of continuing professional development are many. All professionals have a career-long obligation to “own their professional future,” and through CPD, members would be better prepared to do so. CPD would deliver benefits to the individual, the profession and the public.

CPD would ensure that members of a GR Association:

  • stay relevant and up to date in knowledge and aware of the changing trends in the profession. With the pace of change probably faster than it has ever been, members cannot stand still or they will get left behind as knowledge and skills become outdated.
  • have a deeper understanding of what it means to be a professional, along with a greater appreciation of the implications and impact of their work.
  • continue to make a meaningful contribution to the profession and become more effective in the workplace, which assists them to advance in their careers where they can lead, manage, influence, coach and mentor others.
  • advance the body of knowledge and technology within the GR profession.
  • increase public confidence in the profession as a whole. Experience is a great teacher, but it does mean that we tend to do what we have done before.

Focused CPD opens up new possibilities, new knowledge and new skills. Members need to invest in themselves, advance their careers, advance the profession and support the CPD to “own their professional future!”


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