"The European Commission shares the views that the tourism sector would benefit from a greater recognition by the public administrations and the European Institutions. Indeed, one of the pillars of the EU tourism policy is the facilitation of collaboartion among different stakeholders to work together better, including a more effective governance of the sector. Therefore, the European Commission welcomes the many initiatives already on going inthis direction.

The European Parliament has shown strong interest for the sector and is willing to boost its competitiveness and its visibility. The Task Force Tourism and the Intergroup 'European tourism development, cultural heritage, Way of St. James and other European cultural routes' have been created and are among our privileged interlocutors.

Moreover, the European Commission is working with the industry and the Member States and their regions on a regular basis. The European Commission has welcomed the initiative of the main European Associations representing the sector to create the NET platform, wher they combine efforts to enhance the competitiveness of the tourism sector. The European Commission has close working relations with them, also on a bilateral base. In addition to this, the European Commission welcomes any opportunity to listen to new actors coming on the scene. The European Commission would positively see the establishment of new initiatives going in the direction of an even stronger dialogue, provided they are representative of the stakeholders' interest.

Given the Tourism Europe Forum's strategic priority 'to advocate on behalf of the collective travel industry within the European Union and to ensure that the concerns and interests of the travel and tourism community, and all those employed by it, are effectively represented within the EU decision-making process' the European Commission is of the opinion that the Tourism Europe Forum (TEF) might consider to join efforts with the current players."

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