EC Proposed Legislation

  1. ‘EFSI’ 2.0 proposal and Omnibus proposal, notably the changes in the Common Provisions Regulation that simplify the use of European Structural and Investment Funds and facilitate their combination with the European Fund for Strategic Investments.
  2. All 14 legislative proposals aimed at completing the Digital Single Market, including: the telecoms package; the copyright package; geoblocking; audio-visual and media frameworks; parcel delivery; e-Privacy Regulation and EU rules on the protection of personal data when processed by EU institutions and bodies.
  3. Proposals to implement the Energy Union and Climate Change policy, including: the Clean Energy for all European package; the Climate package; and the European on the Move package.
  4. Services and the enforcement packages.
  5. Proposal for reinforced market surveillance for motor vehicles.
  6. Proposal on business insolvency, restructuring and second chance, to reduce the costs and complexity of business restructuring, to make sure that viable companies will be given a second chance and to increase legal certainty for cross-border investments in the EU.
  7. Proposals for re-launching the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB).
  8. Proposals to improve the value added tax (VAT) environment for e-commerce businesses in the EU and the proposal allowing equal rules for taxing e-books, e-newspapers and their printed equivalents.
  9. Proposals requiring multinational companies to publish key tax information on a country-by-country basis, establishing new transparency rules for tax planning intermediaries and a common EU list of noncooperative tax jurisdictions on the basis of the scoreboard of indicators proposed by the Commission.
  10. Proposals on the reform of the Posting of Workers Directive, establishing the principle of equal pay for equal work at the same place, and on the modernization of the rules for the coordination of social security systems, ensuring amongst other things that, under the same circumstances, the same benefits are due for the same contributions paid.
  11. Proposal on work-life balance.
  12. All Capital Markets Union proposals, including: the Pan-European Pension Product; the amendments to the European Market Infrastructure Regulation and the recommendation from the European Central Bank to amend Article 22 of the ESCB/ECB Statute.
  13. Commission proposal for progressively establishing unified representation of the euro-area in the International Monetary Fund (to be adopted by the Council)
  14. All components of the package on risk reduction in the banking sector and the proposal for a European Deposit Insurance Scheme.
  15. Proposals to modernize the EU trade defense instruments and amend its anti-dumping methodology, and the amended proposal concerning an International Procurement Instrument.
  16. Proposals on anti-money laundering, the EU Entry/Exit System, the Schengen Information System (SIS II), the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS) and the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS).
  17. Reformed Common European Asylum System based on both responsibility and solidarity and including proposals on: the reform of the Dublin system; the setting-up of a new Asylum Agency; the reform of Eurodac; the 32 review of the reception conditions, the asylum qualifications and the asylum procedure; as well as the EU Resettlement framework.
  18. Proposal on entry and residence of third country nationals for the purpose of highly skilled employment (‘Blue Card proposal’)
  19. European Defence Industrial Development Programme.
  20. Continuing the roll-out of the European Solidarity Corps involving all relevant players and swift agreement by the co-legislators on the legislative proposal by the end of the year.
  21. Proposed amendements to the Comitology Regulation.

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