Submitted by christian on Thu, 12/19/2019 - 14:07
Article I of the U.S. Constitution grants the House of Representatives the sole power of impeachment, and if the House does impeach, the Senate the “sole power to try all impeachments.” It also provides that the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court will preside if the trial involves a president. The Constitution authorizes the Senate to “determine the rules of its proceedings,” including additional rules governing an impeachment trial by the Senate. The Senate has established and may modify its own rules supplementing these constitutional requirements.
Submitted by christian on Wed, 11/23/2016 - 12:03
- There could be no better ambassador for America’s national interests than the former Governor. His appointment would signal to the world that Washington’s brand remains intact. World leaders know former Governor Romney as a man of his word, as someone who understands global issues. His preparation for multiple presidential runs ensures he has a strong grasp of the challenges America has faced over a long stretch of time. He also has a wealth of key former staffers he can turn to for advice and counsel at a moment's notice.